Preservation and Support

What's the deal with the penguins and the bears?

I wanted to make this site to ask people a silly question, but while it's fun to imagine a bloody war waging for years amongst cute animals, some of these animals are facing serious issues, and I thought some may like to learn more about it, or support their choice of troops in whatever way they choose. None of the links on this page are mine, and I have absolutely 0 affiliation with them, none of them even know they are here. I get nothing if you donate to any of these, I just briefly looked at them to make sure they had decent reviews and probably weren't fraudulent. I recommend you do your own research, and think it would be cool if you could support your troops!


The most fun option, in my opinion: Adopt A Troop!
They're even split into different specific species, so you can pick your favorite class of troop too! (Or give a little to all of them maybe? I dunno)

There are also a few different organizations and programs with information and donations available about penguins here:

Global Penguin Society
WWF Penguin Page


I couldn't find much dedicated to all "bears" overall, so most of the links are species specific

Adopt a troop!

General info and donation links again:

IBA Bear Conservation Fund
WWF Bear Page
American Bear Association

Want to support another type of animal?

Too bad! This site cares about penguins and bears ONLY

Obviously we're kidding, support any animal you want to, but we really aren't linking to anything that isn't a penguin or a bear here, so you're on your own to find charities and programs

Think we missed something? Email us at: [email protected]
